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11:22 a.m. - 2005-02-15

Doris made a special Valentine's Day dinner. There was the most extravagant antipasto salad I've ever seen, these fried risotto cheese balls, and a tomatoey stew. Whoa. Then for dessert, she double dipped large strawberries first in white chocolate, then in brown chocolate and she decorated them to look like little triangle people in tuxedoes. Yum!

We didn't do anything else to celebrate. I got her a card and some candies and we watched television and drank wine. She has finals this week so she's been stressed with the loads of homework. You wouldn't think that there would be so much WRITING for culinary school. But there is! And I've been really tired and grouchy lately. My right ear throbs.

So last Wednesday, I was cleaning my ears with a Q-Tip and...OW! I took it out of my ear (it wasn't even in that deep!) and it was bloody. Freaky, man. And it's not as throbbing as it was a few days ago, but man, is it enough to give me a crappy headache. I'd totally go to the doctor, but the last time I went (for a sty in my eye), he really didn't do shit. So I feel like there's no point. Just sit it out, eat tons of garlic (a natural antibiotic) and hope for the best.

Stef, Mark and I have practiced four times so far with our fledgling band. It's sounding really good, people. I can't wait to start playing live. I'm giving ourselves a couple more months to get our set list really tight. So far, we've got 4 songs under our belt. It's going to be off the hook. And Stef and Mark are excited about the project too. Which is good. Great, actually.



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